Hatha Raja Yoga Vinyasa Krama

(Hatha - Raja) Yoga Vinyāsa Krama - is a system for physical, mental & spiritual development.  It is a comprehensive sikshana (teaching/learning method) of yogasanas, vinyasas, cleansing kriyas, pranayama, bandha, mudra, concentration & subtle elements.  It is the original Himalayan yogāsana system that integrates prānāyāma into the āsana practice - A system based on the subtle movement of prāna directed into the cartilage tissue, sinuous musculature of the body, internal organs and nādis using the conscious breath and intelligently designed order (krama).  It is a rare yogic art - one of the vedic arts - closely related to vedic martial arts and dance as well as higher yogic practices of the Himalayas.

This beautiful prānic practice involves concentration, complete control of the breath (conscious/deliberate, long and smooth) throughout the practice, drishti, bandha, mudrā and mantra. The SLOW movement (and mind) is always following the breath, there being a perfect sync between them. This system is based in Patañjali's Aṣtānga Yoga, emphasizing "prayatna shaithilya ananta samāpatti bhyam”- and designed to increase our sāttvic tendencies by slowing down our breath and heart rate and calming our mind. The foundational ujjāyī breath, has a pause or kumbhak after each inhalation and exhalation for stillness and aligning the prāna - which trains the heart and mind for stillness. Our intention stays inward as we merge with the breath - with awareness of the subtle movement of prāna. The practice begins with opening chants, followed by vinyāsas, vaseth & mudra, kriyās, particular fundamental Himalayan prānāyāma that nourish the vital organs, calm the central nervous system and quiet the mind - and ends with pratyāhāra - leads into meditation or yoga nidra.

Vinyāsa Krama is based in Patañjali's Aṣtānga Yoga and Traditional Hatha Yoga practices.

My teaching is based on the 12 Kramas that Srivatsa Ramaswami learned from Krishnamacharya for over 33 years - 10 yogasana/vinyasa sequences that can be practiced alone (with prep and follow up vinyāsas) or sequentially combining vinyāsas from each or a few kramas, Vishesha Kramas (sub routines and surya and ding namaskar with mantra), and ending procedures (kriyās {may also be used in beginning of practice}, prānāyāma, pratyāhāra, meditation).  

My teaching also includes and is informed through Vinyāsa Krama, Himalayan prānāyāma, meditation and wisdom of the Hansa Yoga Tradition taught by my Satguru His Holiness Swami Vidyadhishananda, a Himalayan Vedic Monk, Nath Yogi and Vedic/Sanskrit Scholar.

The kramas (sequences) may vary by root tradition but maintain the same emphasis. With over 700 vinyāsas, various prānāyāma and yogic techniques, the system can be catered for everyone.  It is not a "style" of yoga so designing daily practices can be moderate to very challenging in physical intensity.  The essence is about training & stilling the mind, keeping the breath slow, smooth & unobstructed with precisely synchronized movements, slowing down, opening the energy channels, finding ease & comfort in the asanas & creating a healthy body that can sit comfortably for meditation. Emphasis is on regulating the breath throughout the practice.  We don't forsake our breath for postural advantage.

Since the practices build upon one another, modern "drop in" style classes are not very practical until the foundation is established.  Vinyasa Krama is distinct from other vinyāsa and well known yogāsana practices - the philosophy and a thorough background of the system is needed.  Traditionally, yoga is taught as a system, although non linear, and is catered to the individual and approached differently through the stages of our lives.


When Breath Leads the Movement in Yoga - His Holiness Swami Vidyadhishananda

My Studies with Krishnamacharya - Srivatsa Ramaswami